A feel-good story in the Washington Post tells us about a couple getting married who decided on an unusual mode of transportation from ceremony to reception -- the subway.
In this era of matrimonial excess, many couples spare no expense to create lavish, traffic-stopping celebrations. They arrive in stretch limos, Hummer stretch limos, even horse-drawn carriages.
But newlyweds Anneliesa Clump and Scott Alprin found a way to turn heads yesterday for $1.65 a guest: They took the Metro, at the height of rush hour, to their reception.
"Weddings get so kind of out of hand," said Clump, 35, a project coordinator at Georgetown University who lives in Cleveland Park. "We're city people, we take Metro everywhere. It just kinda made sense. . . . You know, no fuss."
I love this story! It sort of continues my post from last week about going green, wasting less -- having everyone walk (thus, everyone gets some exercise before chowing down), using public transportation (saving fuel AND money!), and having fun all at the same time, since who doesn't enjoy going places with a big group of people? Plus, what a great ice breaker!

Fresh out of the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue in Chinatown, the couple, along with dozens of wedding guests in suits and spring dresses, hoofed it a couple blocks about 5:30 and entered the teeming Gallery Place Station, which was flooded with weekend-bound commuters and Washington Wizards fans arriving for last night's playoff game.
Clump handled the first obstacle -- the escalator -- with poise. Her veil flapping in the breeze, she hiked up the skirt of her white gown a bit and stepped onto the contraption with her tuxedo-clad groom.
The two began the slow ride underground, the wedding photographer's flash firing while confused and bemused strap-hangers, including work-weary commuters and tourists, looked on with grins. Some yelled "Congratulations!" as the newlyweds passed.
Seriously, what a great idea.
It just makes me think -- what else can a couple do to make their ceremony stand out, yet save money and be environmentally conscious? I can't think of any off the top of my head, but please, if you think of any, leave it in the comments!
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