From time to time, you might be lucky enough to find features in a room that are perfect for decoration. I'm talking about staircases, banisters, posts, maybe even windows. You should totally take advantage of these features. They're usually very easy to dress up and it'll add something extra to your wedding reception or ceremony.
This small set of stairs is a perfect example. The railing is maybe a yard long, but doesn't it look pretty? All it needed was a short length of tulle (although the fabric above looks like chiffon), maybe three yards, and maybe nine bright roses to bunch at each end. You don't even need a big bow or anything.

Here's an oldie but a goodie. This was a bridal shower for my friend Cathy a few years back, held at friend's house. All I did was take a few pieces of organza and English netting to loop along the staircase banister. I hardly used any tape, which some people don't like to use since it can lift off the wood's finish. This is an easy decoration that anyone can do at their own home.

This is another example of decoration you can do at your own home, and not a bad color combination for the upcoming fall season. Heheh. The wrought-iron railing is decorated with orange and yellow material called sinamay mesh. (I swear I thought it was a Filipino product, but maybe not.) It's a rough-feeling mesh made of banana leaf, apparently, dyed in bright colors. When you twine it along railings or banisters, or even combine it with dried decor branches, it has quite a nice effect and dresses up the walls.

The backdrop here was a lucky break. I had an extra piece of gold organza, which my mom suggested I use on the little backdrop. Plus, that backdrop is easy enough to build -- take some PVC pipe and make a kind of clothes rack with it, hang it with English netting and Christmas lights.

Ah, another lucky break. The reception site, Pickwick Gardens, happened to put this trellis behind the cake table. I don't know how it happened that I had an extra piece of purple organza and an extra piece of silver netting, other than my mom was always prepared. But there wasn't a lot of room to be symmetrical, so I decided to make it asymmetrical, which looked just as nice. And when you have a long piece of fabric, you can make a lot of loops and make it all look arty and pretty.
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